Pitch Generator - The World

Character Journey Generator // High Stakes Generator // Romance Generator // World-building Generator

Twitter Pitch/Logline Generator

Fill out the form, then click the button to generate your cinematic world-building/setting focused loglines! Use as few words as possible when filling out each field for best results! (1-3 words) The pitches will appear as a pop up, so be sure you have pop-ups enabled.

Main Character's First Name:
MC - she or he or hän?
Describe the MC in 2-3 words:
(e.g. resident archivalist, budding time-weaver, sand-castle enthusiast, hesitant astronaut)

MC's Secret Talent/Power:
(e.g. elven underworld, 19th Century Copenhagen, Area 51 genetics lab )

Describe the Setting:
Adjective 1:
(e.g. ethereal, frozen, toxic, sterile, deadly)

Adjective 2:
(e.g. goblin-ridden, abandoned, labrynthine, forbidden)

Adjective 3:
(e.g. raucuous, pristine, parched)

Humans? Or _______?
(Fill in the blank with 'humans' or non-human race)

Who is the enemy?
Love Interest's First Name:
Describe the LI in 2-3 words:
(e.g. perpetual bad-boy, hotshot cartoonist, sparkly vampire, compulsive stormtracker)

Book with a similar setting or flavor:
Movie with a similar setting or flavor:
Book with a similar plot:
Movie with a similar plot:
The Inciting Incident:
Start with an adjective or noun, end with a verb. e.g: tragic fire strikes:

MC's Goal
Finish this sentence: in order to succeed, the MC must ... (eg. develop powers, escape, confront, uncover)

Consequence of Failure? Sacrifice?
Finish this sentence: the MC must suceed, or else ...)

Character Journey Generator // High Stakes Generator // Romance Generator // World-building Generator


  1. Great idea, but there was nothing to click to see a generated pitch! Made me regret having entered info, as this might not be a safe site to visit.

    1. Sorry, I just noticed this comment! The site still seemed to work for me, so hopefully you eventually got it to work for you. I clicked the "Create my Twitter Pitches" and then "OK" The pitches come up as a pop-up window, so you'd need to have pop-ups enabled. I did the code myself so it should be safe. I do want to change it as I know pop-ups aren't ideal. I just don't know javascript well enough yet! :|

  2. It did not work for me - nothing was generated.

    1. Sorry, I just noticed this comment! That sucks that it didn't work for you! I double checked and it seems to work for me in Google Chrome and Safari, though it does require pop-ups to be enabled (I'm not good enough at javascript to figure out a different way to code it yet unfortunately! :/ ) I'll try to test it on a few browsers to see what's going on!
