Pitch Generator - Romance

Character Journey Generator // High Stakes Generator // Romance Generator // World-building Generator

Twitter Pitch / Logline Generator

Fill out the form, then click the button to generate a pop-up of your romance-focused loglines! Use as few words as possible when filling out each field for best results! (1-3 words) The pitches will appear as a pop up, so be sure you have pop-ups enabled.

Main Character's First Name:
MC - she or he or hän?
MC's Non-Romance related Goal
Finish this sentence: The MC is desperate to _____

Intermediate Non-Romance related Goal
: 'The MC also would like to _____'

MC's Vocation/Calling/Ability:

MC's Current day job/Occupation:

Describe the MC in 2-3 words:
(Budding wallflower, Unapologetic tech-junkie, Paperclip-obssessed harpist)

(e.g. Howl's Moving Castle, undersea metropolis, plague-stricken London etc)

The Inciting Incident:
Start with an adjective or noun, end with a verb. e.g: tragic fire strikes:

Who is the enemy?

Love Interest's First Name:

Describe the LI in 2-3 words:
(e.g. perpetual bad-boy, hotshot cartoonist, sparkly vampire, compulsive stormtracker)

LI's vocation/calling/ability:

LI's day job/occupation:

(What will the MC sacrifice and/or who will be estranged if the MC chooses to be w/ the LI?)

Character Journey Generator // High Stakes Generator // Romance Generator // World-building Generator


  1. This is so cool!!!!!!! Thank you.

  2. The romance generator appears to be broken. The others are so amazing - please fix this one! Thanks.

  3. Romance generator isn't working. The other generators work. Would love to see how this one works. Thanks

  4. Please fix this one, all the others are working and so much fun.

  5. Wish I'd read the comments before spending time putting all the info into this one because it's not working.
